SEW Durres

    SEW Durres


    4:00 pm - 9:30 pm

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    Hotel Lubjana
    Rruga Pavaresia, Durrës, Albania, 2008
    Entrepreneru Club Meeting. Life is like a chess game


    Meeting with 15 Entrepreneur to talk and exchange their business idea, and to see the oportunities of collaboration between them. Entrepreneurs are form Albanian, Kosova and North Macedonia.

    As a Startup European Week (SEW) co-organizer in our region, I am deeply motivated by the unique opportunity it presents to catalyze the entrepreneurial ecosystem and spotlight the innovative potential within our community.

    SEW stands as a beacon for fostering connections, sharing knowledge, and encouraging the cross-pollination of ideas among startups, investors, policymakers, and the broader community. Our region, with its diverse talents and burgeoning startup scene, stands to greatly benefit from this event. It will not only elevate the visibility of local entrepreneurs on a European scale but also attract invaluable resources, mentorship, and potential investors.

    Furthermore, SEW will serve as a platform for local startups to showcase their innovations, learn from seasoned entrepreneurs, and engage with international networks. This alignment with SEW’s mission to support and celebrate the entrepreneurial spirit will undoubtedly drive growth, inspire innovation, and strengthen the fabric of our regional economy. By bringing SEW to our region, we are opening doors to new opportunities, fostering a culture of entrepreneurship, and laying the groundwork for sustainable economic development. It’s an exciting time to be at the forefront of this initiative, and I am committed to leveraging SEW to propel our region’s entrepreneurs towards success on the global stage.


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