
    6:00 pm
    11/03/2024 @ 6:00 pm - 10:30 pm -

    Sofia is again part of the global Startup Europe Week initiative that occurs annually within one week. The events illustrate the local entrepreneurial ecosystem – featuring inspiring guest speakers who share their challenges on the road to success and representatives from public and private entities who present programs to support start-ups.

    4:00 pm
    13/03/2024 @ 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm -

    I love to connect entrepreneurs with mentors and investors to grow.

    9:30 am
    14/03/2024 @ 9:30 am - 1:40 pm - Agenda PROGRAMA STARTUP EUROPE WEEK 2024 - PAZO DE ARENAZA 9:30 Recepción de participantes 10:00* Presentación de Startup Europe Week e da Rede Provincial de Espazos de Traballo a cargo de Juan Diego Pereiro Areán, membro do equipo xestor do espazo de coworking do Pazo de Arenaza, fundador do espazo de coworking WeKCo e da [...]